A Lifetime of Change for Your Blended Family.

Blended & Blessed® is a marriage event for stepfamily couples, dating
couples with kids, and anyone who cares about blended families.

Join Us on April 5th!

This year’s theme invites you to step into a new way of thinking, loving, and living in your blended family. One component of what the Bible calls our "old self" is reactive behavior that defeats closeness in marriage and sabotages blended family relationships. At this year's event, we'll learn key themes from Ron and Nan Deal's new book, The Mindful Marriage, and discover how they overcame their relationship pain and reactive behavior. You'll learn the keys to humility, self-control, and coping with your personal and family challenges. It's out with the old and in with the new at the 2025 Blended & Blessed.

Schedule - April 5th

9:30 am
10:00 am
11:20 am
11:45 am
12:40 am
1:40 pm
3:00 pm
3:20 pm
4:30 pm
Doors Open/Pre-Livestream Video/Breakfast
Session One: Got Baggage? How Pain Sabotages Love and Us-ness
Session Two: Pride & Humility: Inviting Opposition or Grace Into Your Relationships
Session Three: The Virtue of Self-Control / You Ask, We Answer Q&A
Session Four: A New Self in Parenting & Co-Parenting
Event Ends
* childcare is available

Not in a blended family?

That's ok. The topics covered during the conference are applicable for all types of marriages. You'll find practical wisdom and resources you need to strengthen your marriage to last a lifetime.