I'm New


Finding a new church home can be daunting. St. Thomas Anglican Church is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. Our church isn't a "big box" church--we're a small but growing family who love each other and want others to experience this love that comes from Christ. When we gather each Sunday, we do so to worship our Lord and Savior. We want to offer our whole life to him, who gives us all of himself, as a living sacrifice. Join us for one of our Sunday services!

When we Meet


Discipleship Hour | 9:30 am

Holy Communion | 10:30 am

What To Expect

Many churches today have different kinds of services for different ages of people. At St. Thomas Anglican we believe it’s important for the church to worship together, regardless of age, background or taste. Making worship less about our preferences helps make our worship less about us and more about God. Our hope is that you will experience an approach to worship that is God-centered, creative and powerful.

We do this through the use of both ancient and modern music, language and art. This includes prayers, creeds, scripture, and poetry that have been used in the Church since its earliest days. Specifically, we worship in the prayer book tradition of the Anglican Church, which includes the sacraments (the Lord’s Supper and Baptism), singing (both hymns and praise songs) and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All of these things free us to worship God with all that we are — our hearts, minds and bodies! One thing about Anglican worship you should know is, we view our entire worship service as worship--that includes music and singing, reading Scripture, prayers and confession of sin, and the proclamation of God's word. It's been said that most modern churches are a concert followed by a TEDtalk--that's not us.

We have a dedicated Prayer Team during worship where our trained intercessors are available to pray with anyone during Communion and at the conclusion of our Sunday worship services. Be assured that your prayer requests remain confidential.

Our worship time typically lasts an hour and thirty minutes and we offer a 9:30 am bible study before the service.

Most people dress semi-casual (some men wear coat and tie, while women wear dresses) to casual (pants, jeans, etc.). Most importantly, we invite you to come as you are!

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.